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REPORTING CONCERNS (both current or historical)

GB Taekwondo has designated personnel you can speak to if you have concerns about poor practice or suspect that a child may be being abused or is at risk:

Garry Adams
Mobile: 07718570046
Email: safeguarding@gbtaekwondo.co.uk

In case of an emergency situation, please contact:

Police: 999

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Further helpful contacts and links to support groups are contained within the policy (link below), see pages 19-20.


GB Taekwondo is committed to providing the safest possible environment for the welfare of children and has a duty to safeguard and protect all participants from harm whilst promoting best practice.   All children have a right to protection; the welfare of children is paramount.  The needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable are taken into account.  A child or young person is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years, this is a legal definition, and has no exemptions or exceptions.

Part of GB Taekwondo’s commitment has involved working to attain the Intermediary level of the CPSU’s “standards for safeguarding and protecting children in sport” and we move forward to attain the advanced level by March 2019 and progressively in line with UK Sport’s targets.  GB Taekwondo’s Safeguarding Children Policy has comprehensively been updated (March 2019) and can be downloaded here and accompanying appendices:

Appendix 1: Staff, Volunteer & Sub Contractor Declaratior

Appendix 2: Anti-Bullying Policy & Graph

Appendix 3: CPSU Duty of Care 

Appendix 4: Incident and Concerns Form 

Appendix 5: CPSU Abuse of Positions of Trust

Appendix 6: Social network and personal internet presence policy (internal use only)

Appendix 7: Changing Room and Showering – best practice 

Appendix 8: Medical Emergency Treatment and Travel Consent 

Appendix 9: Transport Guidance & Driver Code of Conduct and Responsibilities

Appendix 10: Accident and Incident Report Form 

Appendix 11: Whistle Blowing Policy 

Appendix 12: Images Consent Form

Appendix 13: images consent letter (internal use only)

Appendix 14: Consent, communications with children

Appendix 15: Staff Codes of Behaviour 

Appendix 16: Athlete Codes of Behaviour 

Appendix 17:  E-Technology Guidance 

We are committed to a process of continuous improvement of our safeguarding policy, practices and procedures.

(It is recommended that parents read through the E-Technology policy before sharing it with younger children. The guidance is aimed at children and young people aged 11 and over.)

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